How To Brew Filter Coffee At Home

How To Brew Filter Coffee At Home

Aussies love their daily cup of coffee. So much so 27% of us say we couldn’t live a day without it! Though espresso is the top choice amongst most of the population, when made right, filter coffee offers a delicious alternative. It’s becoming an increasingly popular choice with customers who want a quick and easy filter coffee at-home experience.

And if you’re one of those people who associate filter coffee with the horror of American diners offering free-flowing, tepid brown water, we implore you to read on.


What Is Filter Coffee?

The main difference between espresso and filter coffee is its strength. A standard espresso has a ratio of 1:2 parts coffee to water, whereas filter coffee is closer to 1:16. This means that where an espresso shot has a thick, creamy consistency and packs a punch, filter coffee offers a subtle flavour. Those new to coffee or seeking a less intense pick-me-up can benefit from filter coffee.

‘Batch brew’ is a filtering process that has become a cafe culture buzzword in recent years. Look out for it next time you’re in store as a quick, ready-to-go option if you’re in a rush.

How To Make Filter Coffee At Home

Select Your Coffee

Filter coffee suits lighter, sweet flavours found in Columbian roasts. Ethiopian styles are heavier and offer a richness better suited to espresso. Our Single Origin Filter Coffee is a balanced blend of XXXXXXXXXX, making filter coffee at home simple by providing beans ground to the perfect consistency to go straight in your at-home coffee filter. 

Top tip: Try different origins for yourself, as every flavour palette will differ. Columbian, Ethiopian and House Blends are currently available in whole beans.

Choose The Right Equipment

  • Grinder
    Pop your espresso grinder to one side for this one. Pick up a Porlex Mini Hand Grinder if your current kit doesn’t offer a range of grind sizes – they’re a cost-effective option that you can store away in the kitchen cupboard when not in use.
  • Automated/ batch brewing
    The batch brew is for those who like a lot of coffee, or a lot of company. If you’re inviting your family over for a coffee catch-up or investing in a coffee machine for your office, consider an automated batch brew. They maintain a consistent strength and temperature all day long. Simply pick up your favourite mug and pour.
  • Manual brewing
    We call this the ‘coffee for one’ solution. Just like you would get excited about your morning trip to the local coffee shop, make the at-home brewing process part of your morning ritual. The 2-Cup Pourover cone sits on your coffee mug and gradually drips through the caffeinated goodness. The 2-cup size means extra for your flatmate, partner…or more for you!

H2: Barista Insights On How To Filter Coffee At Home:

  • Check your water quality
    Tap water will vary in chlorine levels and other flavour taints you want to avoid. Use filtered water for a premium-tasting brew.
  • Measure your coffee
    Start with 60g of coffee per litre of water, as recommended by the Speciality Coffee Association. Adjust up and down depending on how many cups of filter coffee at home you’re making.

  • Find the grind
    Look for a ‘medium’ or ‘filter’ grind setting, which is courser than espresso and finer than cold brew.

  • Taste test your first batch
    Taste-test your first experimental batch just like you would a new cooking recipe. If it tastes weak and thin, it’s a sign that it’s under-extracted. Too bitter means it’s over-extracted. Fix this by dialling down the grind size if under-extracted (to make it finer) or vice versa. 

  • Clean up every time
    You wouldn’t use the same dinner plate again and again without washing it, so why leave your carafe full of old coffee grounds? It’s the top mistake we see when people complain about bad-tasting coffee, as the old grounds taint every batch it touches.
    Start with a clean filter system to avoid the nasty surprise of a bitter morning coffee to start the day. 

Ready to try filtered coffee at home?

The best way to make filter coffee at home is by trial and tasting for a customised cup perfectly suited to your palette! Become a filter coffee connoisseur with our Single Origin Filter Coffee. Pick up a pack online or in-store. 

And if you’re just starting out on your filter coffee discovery, our Pourover Starter Kit sets you up with everything you need, with a Porlex Mini Hand Grinder,  2-Cup Pourover, Carafe and a subscription/bag of beans. Pop the kettle on, sit back and put your feet up as you enjoy barista-quality coffee from your living room.

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